How to check the tachograph before purchase?

How to check the tachograph before purchase?
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Buying a vehicle is a big risk. Especially for people who are not familiar with automobiles. Today we will give you a hint on how to check the tachograph before buying and avoid a big disappointment.

Tachograph is one of the most important devices of every truck. It records many parameters related to the movement of the vehicle. Before buying a used car, it is essential to check if the digital tachograph has been replaced.


These are recording devices that automatically or semi-automatically display data on detailed traffic information. To work efficiently, they need to be legalized from time to time

They can also be a temptation to increase the value of a used vehicle. How By changing the current recording on the device, which is clearly associated with the popular “odometer rollback”. In this fraudulent manner, the value of the vehicle itself can be significantly increased. With the digital tachograph, odometer reversals are possible, but the vehicle unit records the actual value of the odometer. This means that the actual tachograph data cannot be manipulated completely.

A Pole can do

In order to sell the vehicle at a profit, dishonest traders can opt for solutions such as changing the status of the tachograph. The entire operation takes place in a specialized workshop. In this case, calibration is done with recording of new, lower state of the odometer and counting on the fact that none of the buyers will check the state of tachograph before purchase

We check the tachograph

To avoid spending more on a used van and minimize the danger of getting a fine, you can properly check the tachograph before you buy. How to do it?

Printout of the tachograph

At first it is necessary to print out technical data from tachograph. The big question should be that the VIN number has been changed. If the VIN change is not due to repairs to the vehicle after an accident, it means that the odometer may have been taken from another car. If there has only been a change in the tachograph values, this should become apparent during subsequent calibrations.

Downloading data using a workshop card

Another good way to effectively check the odometer is to download the data using a workshop card. With additional software we can easily check the exact date and time of any modification. In addition, from the workshop card number you can find out who was responsible for making the modification

Verification of doubts

Do not ignore any misunderstandings resulting from uncertainty about the actual mileage of the vehicle. Since 2014, vehicles operated in Poland have had the current status of the recording device entered during periodic inspections. This data can be verified by accessing a dedicated website.

Penal sanctions

Theoretically, the replacement of a tachograph is legal, but after 1 October 2012 the travel registration devices must meet a number of requirements of the EC Regulation 1266/2009, both used and new. For the dealer it is not important whether the tachograph meets the requirements of the EU directive, but mainly the profit from the sale, so he can put the cheapest, used device in the car. As a result, in case of a possible roadside inspection, the driver may receive a fine of 3000 PLN

Before you buy a car from the secondary market, first check through available channels whether the value of the tachograph has not been changed recently. This can be done both with specialized equipment and software used by vehicle repair shops. Therefore, it is a good idea to go to a nearby vehicle repair shop so that the equipment in use can be properly analyzed there. This will give you the assurance that you won’t be fined a hefty amount for mistakes that were not due to your malice, but just an oversight.


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