
Revolutionizing Shipment of Goods: The Power of the Import Tracking App
Revolutionizing Shipment of Goods: The Power of the Import Tracking App

In an increasingly globalized world, the shipment of goods across borders has become a cornerstone of modern trade.

Technology in transportation – why implement it?
Technology in transportation – why implement it?

Technology is growing every day, and as a result, the industries that use it can grow as well. Find out why it is worth implementing technological solutions in transportation and the specific benefits for companies in the TSL industry.

Electric forklifts – which models to choose?
Electric forklifts – which models to choose?

Electric forklifts – find out which model is best to choose.

Technological solutions for transport companies
Technological solutions for transport companies

Looking to upgrade your trucking company? Find out what solutions are possible.

What skills must a freight forwarder have?
What skills must a freight forwarder have?

Are you wondering whether the profession of a freight forwarder is for you? What exactly should a person in this position be characterized by?

Modern software to make logistics easier – what will be perfect for you?
Modern software to make logistics easier – what will be perfect for you?

Wondering how to improve your company’s performance and efficiency? Choose logistics programs that will give you more options.

What can’t you do without for efficient loading?
What can’t you do without for efficient loading?

Loading goods is a process that takes place every day all over the world, but what does efficient loading require? Find out!

Logistics in the hands of third-party operators. Why?
Logistics in the hands of third-party operators. Why?

Why should you bet on external logistics operators? We answer!

A digital platform for pallet exchange! This is a remarkable project by scientists. How will we be able to use it?
A digital platform for pallet exchange! This is a remarkable project by scientists. How will we be able to use it?

The Fraunhofer Institute IML (for material flow, logistics and freight forwarding) has developed and is slowly deploying a special application for managing, among other things, pallets in the cloud. This innovative platform is supposed to facilitate the management of load carriers between the parties to a transaction and simplify their settlement.

How do new technologies help with transportation planning?
How do new technologies help with transportation planning?

Can new technologies help in transport planning? Check how they affect this industry and whether it is worth betting on such solutions!

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