How do you keep your warehouse workers safe?

How do you keep your warehouse workers safe?
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Warehouse is a place of work that carries the possibility of particularly dangerous situations for workers. This is due to the multiplicity and diversity of operations that are performed there. Safe and effective work in a warehouse requires knowledge of regulations concerning health and safety at work, but also their practical application. The most important legal act, which provides for the state of health and safety at work in the company is the Labour Code – Act of 26.06.1974. So how to ensure such safety in the warehouse? The answer to this question you will certainly find in this article.

Obligation of the employer

In the Labor Code, we can find provisions that define the basic obligations incumbent on the employer. Among them is also a provision that the employer is obliged to protect the health and life of employees by providing them with safe and healthy working conditions, using the achievements of science and technology. It is the employer’s duty to organize work in such a way as to ensure the highest possible level of occupational safety and health. The management together with the employer must be aware of the regulations on employee protection and, among other things, organize workplaces in accordance with the regulations and principles of occupational safety and health, respond to any needs related to ensuring occupational safety and health, and take care of the hygienic and safe condition of work premises and technical equipment.

Hazards in the warehouse

The person most exposed to danger in the warehouse is, above all, its employee. Depending on the position, and thus the duties incumbent on an employee of this space, he or she is exposed to a risk of danger to varying degrees. Some of the most common warehouse worker hazards include:

  • injuries to the back, upper and lower limbs from carrying heavy objects,
  • being hit by vehicles moving around the warehouse,
  • injuries and bruises resulting from slipping or tripping on uneven or slippery surfaces,
  • injuries caused by falls from heights,
  • injuries from being struck by falling objects,

How do we prevent or mitigate the effects of these hazards?

Employee equipment

A warehouse worker should be equipped with knowledge of occupational health and safety, which is his duty under the aforementioned act, and which he should acquire during training provided by the employer. He should also be equipped with appropriate equipment and protective clothing that will ensure his safety and, in the event of a dangerous situation, protect him from the unfortunate consequences of an accident. You can find the right equipment and protective clothing in many stores, but the best place to buy it is a professional safety and health store. An investment in good and dedicated equipment for warehouse workers, as well as various types of clothing, accessories, or purchase of medical supplies for each workplace, is first and foremost an investment in safety.


Ensuring the safety of warehouse workers means first and foremost training them in basic health and safety principles, but also, for example, in the proper use of machinery and equipment used during work. Special attention should also be paid to the equipment of the employee, as well as sensitising them to immediately report any faults or defects in the workplace that they notice. This is important because the faster the response and repair, the less risk of a potential hazard or danger threatening the warehouse worker.


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