Tag - Exchange

How long will real estate investments pay off?
How long will real estate investments pay off?

The pandemic has affected many industries. Has it also affected the profitability of real estate investments?

Transportation volumes in 2021 – what are the forecasts?
Transportation volumes in 2021 – what are the forecasts?

Will transportation volumes change in 2021? What are the predictions, what can we expect and, how long do we have to wait for transportation automation?

The impact of electric cars on the future of transportation
The impact of electric cars on the future of transportation

Can electric cars take over transportation? What are the advantages of e-vehicles and contentious issues that still need to be worked out? Read the article and check it out!

Transportation companies on the stock market – what are their post-pandemic quotes?
Transportation companies on the stock market – what are their post-pandemic quotes?

How are transportation companies doing on the stock market? Here are the listings of the largest of them.

Savings versus investment – how to find the golden mean in transportation?
Savings versus investment – how to find the golden mean in transportation?

Savings or investment? What will prevail in a transportation market shaken by a pandemic?

Companies are investing in trucks again! But it’s a long way from previous years
Companies are investing in trucks again! But it’s a long way from previous years

According to business.wprost.pl, the stagnation in the truck sales market is most likely over. Companies have recorded the first increases, but the results of 2019 or other periods are still very far away.

Packaging an important point in the transport chain. This is a new trend
Packaging an important point in the transport chain. This is a new trend

The European Commission and EU bodies have recognized packaging as one of the strategic points in the transportation system. This is a new trend, because until now, producers of cartons, films and the like were treated as an insignificant part of a large industry.

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